(Download) Hor�scopo Chino 2023 / Chinese Horoscope 2023 - Ludovica Squirru

EPUB & PDF Ebook Hor�scopo Chino 2023 / Chinese Horoscope 2023 | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD

by Ludovica Squirru.

EBOOK Hor�scopo Chino 2023 / Chinese Horoscope 2023

Ebook PDF Hor�scopo Chino 2023 / Chinese Horoscope 2023 | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Hor�scopo Chino 2023 / Chinese Horoscope 2023 EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Hor�scopo Chino 2023 / Chinese Horoscope 2023 2020 PDF Download in English by Ludovica Squirru (Author).


Description Book: 

«A�o de reiniciar, resetear la vida, el origen y el rumbo de la humanidad�. --L.S.D.

Como el Conejo Blanco de Alicia en el pa�s de las maravillas, Ludovica invita a vivir una nueva aventura con el objetivo de que seamos conscientes de nuestro propio ser y entendamos al resto del zoo humano. A trav�s de la milenaria astrolog�a china, anticipa c�mo ser� el a�o del conejo de agua, lo que nos permitir� enfrentar mejor las decisiones que debemos tomar en el amor, el trabajo, la salud, la familia y el mundo que nos rodea.

El universo pide a gritos que los ciudadanos se despierten y se hagan cargo del futuro. El conejo de agua traer� revoluciones, y la gran esperanza son los ni�os y las ni�as. Por eso, el Hor�scopo chino 2023 est� enfocado en la ni�ez, para que los adultos comprendamos a los m�s peque�os y sus signos, y les ayudemos a crecer en libertad, luchando por sus derechos y el cuidado del planeta. Este libro tambi�n es una invitaci�n a repensar la ni�ez, nuestro pasado, qui�nes somos y qui�nes queremos ser.


"A year to restart, to reset life, the beginning and the course of humanity." --L. S. D.

As the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, Ludovica encourages us to experience a new adventure with the purpose of becoming aware of our own selves and understanding the remainder of the human zoo. Through ancient Chinese astrology, she foresees what the year of the water rabbit will be like, enabling us to better deal with the decisions we will have to make regarding love, work, health, family, and the world around us.

The universe is screaming for its citizens to wake up and take charge of the future. The water rabbit will bring about revolutions, and children are the greatest hope. Therefore, Chinese Horoscope 2023 is focused on childhood, so adults understand the little ones and their signs, helping them grow in freedom, fighting for their rights and the welfare of the planet. This book is also an invitation to reconsider our growing years, our past, who we are, and who we want to be.


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